Table of Contents
The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Coaching in Organizations, Jossey-Bass, 2015
Foreword by Rebecca L. Ray
The Authors
PART ONE: Building a Coaching Culture
1 The Rise of Coaching in Organizations
Amy Lui Abel, Sherlin V. Nair
2 Assessing Your Organization's Need for Coaching
Emily Hoole
3 Creating an Integrated Coaching System
Douglas D. Riddle
4 Evaluating Coaching Interventions
Jennifer Habig, Emily Hoole
5 Managing Coaches
Patrick Stichelmans, Johan Naudé
6 Coaching the Derailing Leader
Erica Desrosiers, Ross Blankenship
7 Developing High Potential Leaders
Kevin O'Gorman
8 Coaching at the Top
Candice C. Frankovelgia
9 Coaching Your Business Partner
Monica Bortoluzzi, Florence Plessier
10 Cross_Cultural Coaching
Lize Booysen
11 Coaching in Context: The Individual in Relation to Organizational Culture
Elizabeth Gullette
12 Ethical Considerations for the Human Resources Coach
Maggie Sass, Barbara Fly-Dierks
PART THREE: Special Applications of Coaching
13 Coaching for All: Creative Leadership Conversations with Peers
Philomena Rego, TZiPi Radonsky, Lyndon Rego, Patrick Williams
14 Mentoring for Leadership Development
William Gentry
15 Executive Coaching for On_Boarding
Robert Elsey, Douglas D. Riddle
16 Team Coaching
Elizabeth Gullette
17 Senior Team Coaching
Douglas D. Riddle
18 Transforming Organizations: Coaching and Guiding Senior Teams
John B. McGuire, Candice C. Frankovelgia
19 Coaching Beyond the Organization
Joel F. Wright